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PI Assessment Validity
Make unbiased data-driven people decisions for better results.
Reliability and Validity of the PI Behavioral Assessment
The Predictive Index has an extensive scientific background going back over 60 years. PI has conducted over 400 client validation studies that support the PI Behavioral Assessment’s ability to predict job performance across jobs, industries, and countries. They adhere to the standards set forth in The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. In addition, the PI Behavioral Assessment achieved certification with the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations (EFPA) in 2018, which involved the analysis and presentation of data regarding the assessment’s reliability, validity, and fairness.
Are PI Assessments Valid?
What Exactly Is Validity?
Validity refers to evidence supporting interpretations and use cases for an assessment. The PI Science Team engages in continuous improvement for their validation. Throughout the body of their validity research, they have found that the PI Behavioral Assessment is linked to multiple work outcomes, which has helped them to establish criterion-related validity. Further, they have researched how the BA is linked to theoretically related (and unrelated) dimensions, allowing them to establish convergent (and discriminant) validity.
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