We all know that the best candidates thoroughly prepare for each interview, and so should you.
Here are some recommendations to prepare yourself for assessing and interviewing qualified candidates.
Before the interview
Review the DASH Method from our "Attracting and Selecting Top Performers" workshop.
Define the job.
Update the job description, which should focus on key performance areas, competencies and experience.
Determine the Job’s Behavioral and Cognitive Targets.
Send Job Assessments and the updated job description to key stakeholders to determine what the ideal candidate looks like.
Update the job description as necessary.
Attract candidates with a job ad that will be attractive to your ideal candidate.
Send the Behavioral and Cognitive Assessments to candidates.
Review results. Filter candidate results based on their match to the Job Target.
During the interview
Walk the candidate through their Behavioral Assessment results.
Interview candidate.
Use the STAR: Behavioral Interviewing Process from our "Attracting and Selecting Top Performers" workshop to learn about the candidate’s skills and experience.
Use the Interview Guide to ask questions that focus on the job fit or gaps of the candidate.
After the interview
Determine the best match.
Select two to three top candidates.
Evaluate the candidate’s match with the Job Target, manager’s and team’s patterns, and company values.
Use the Hiring Scorecard from our "Attracting and Selecting Top Performers" training module.
Select the final candidate and check their references.
Hire and onboard the candidate.
Determine the performance criteria.
Establish the onboarding plan and what the first 30/60/90 days involve, using the Personal Development Chart and Coaching Guide.
Notify the remaining candidates that a hiring decision has been made and thank them for their interest.