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  • Writer's pictureAJ Cheponis

4 Actionable Steps to Boost Your Glassdoor Rating with Talent Optimization

Updated: Oct 4, 2023

Glassdoor is one of the most popular job search sites in the US, with over 55 million users and 35 million published reviews. It's a crucial platform for companies looking to attract top talent, but it's also an excellent place to start a health check of your employer brand.

According to the Journal of Corporate Finance, boosting your Glassdoor rating by just one point can raise the market value of your company by 7.9%. In this post, we'll explore four actionable steps to improve your Glassdoor rating using talent optimization.

Glassdoor Rating

Build an employer brand strategy

Before you start revamping or creating your Glassdoor profile, it's essential to step back and develop an employer brand strategy. Your employer brand is how the world perceives your company as a place to work, and it's critical to ensure that your entire organization is aligned around your mission. Here are a few things to consider for your employer brand strategy:

  • Define your audiences: current and future employees, customers, investors, etc.

  • Listen to your employees and conduct a survey to benchmark your current culture.

  • Align your brand with organizational needs, goals, and values.

  • Define relevant key performance indicators (KPIs).

  • Decide how you'll measure those KPIs, and how often, and then do it!

Measure and manage your culture

Culture can be a squishy concept, so it's crucial to decide how you'll quantify your employer brand. Glassdoor can be an invaluable source for this. Other culture management tools include pulse surveys, employee net promoter surveys, exit interviews, recognition tools, and third-party "best place to work" surveys. In general, the more anonymous the better. Once you have your employee engagement data in hand, it's time to take action. Look through responses to understand the frequency and severity of certain issues, which should indicate your primary concerns when addressing issues.

Build your brand on Glassdoor

While Glassdoor should be considered only a small portion of your employer branding strategy, it's a vital tool for organizations. We recommend becoming a client of Glassdoor and taking full advantage of the opportunity to add videos to your page, as well as a full profile of your company, benefits, and culture. Once you've brought your profile up to snuff and looked through your existing reviews for improvement opportunities, be sure to regularly monitor activity and stay up to date on what happens there. Seventy-four percent of Glassdoor users are more likely to apply to a job if the employer actively manages its employer brand (e.g., responds to reviews, updates their profile, shares updates on the culture and work environment).

Build your brand on Glassdoor

Use talent optimization to transform your company.

While building an employer brand strategy, measuring and managing culture, and building your brand on Glassdoor are all important steps, they can be challenging to execute without the right foundation in place. That’s where talent optimization comes in.

Talent optimization is a data-driven approach to managing people that aligns your people strategy with your business strategy for optimal results. It involves assessing your people data, designing job profiles, hiring and developing talent, and building teams that are optimized for success.

By using talent optimization, you can ensure that your company has the right people in the right roles, performing at their highest potential. This can result in increased employee satisfaction, productivity, and engagement, all of which can positively impact your Glassdoor rating.

At Straightline Consulting Group, we specialize in talent optimization and can help you transform your company by leveraging people data to create a high-performing culture. By working with us, you can achieve stellar Glassdoor reviews and attract the best talent to your organization.

Your Glassdoor rating is more important than you may realize. It’s not just about attracting top talent, it’s also about the market value of your company. By following these four steps - building an employer brand strategy, measuring and managing your culture, building your brand on Glassdoor, and using talent optimization to transform your company - you can improve your Glassdoor rating and create a thriving organization. At Straightline Consulting Group, we’re passionate about helping companies achieve their full potential through talent optimization. Contact us today to learn how we can help you transform your company and achieve incredible results.

Build your brand on Glassdoor.

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