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Keep up to date with all things Talent Optimization, including people tips and tons of hiring information.

AJ Cheponis
Feb 53 min read
5 Key Choices That Distinguish Effective Leadership from Bad Management
The gap between great leaders and bad managers comes down to the choices they make in how they lead, communicate, and support their teams.

AJ Cheponis
Sep 19, 20242 min read
The Endless Talent Hunt - Employee Turnover - A Vicious Cycle
Breaking the cycle of employee turnover is challenging but achievable with the right strategies.

AJ Cheponis
Sep 12, 20243 min read
How Personalized Onboarding Boosts Employee Retention in 2024
Proper onboarding not only aids in employee retention but also sets the tone for long-term engagement and satisfaction.

AJ Cheponis
Jul 30, 20244 min read
The Tragic Mistake of Overlooking Your CHRO: Assembling the Dream Team for Success
A successful CHRO shapes an agile HR team, crafts a strategic agenda, and implements comprehensive employee feedback systems.

AJ Cheponis
Jul 18, 20244 min read
Why Your People Leave You: The Brutal Truth About Employee Turnover
Hiring the right person doesn’t guarantee retention. To keep them engaged, managers must adapt their communication styles.

AJ Cheponis
May 21, 20243 min read
How "Pairing" Can Destroy Your Workplace Harmony and Damage Your Professional Reputation
Remember, every conversation you choose to have directly and respectfully is a step towards a healthier work environment.

AJ Cheponis
Sep 12, 20233 min read
4 Actionable Steps to Boost Your Glassdoor Rating with Talent Optimization
Your Glassdoor rating is more important than you may realize. It’s not just about attracting top talent, it’s also about the market value...

AJ Cheponis
May 18, 20234 min read
How Talent Optimization Can Drive Employee Engagement
Studies have shown that companies with highly engaged employees outperform their peers in areas such as revenue growth, profitability...

AJ Cheponis
Apr 6, 20234 min read
The Hidden Influencers: How Cognitive Biases Impact Your Business Decisions
At its core, cognitive bias refers to a systematic error in thinking or decision-making that can lead to incorrect judgments or decisions.

AJ Cheponis
Mar 30, 20233 min read
Elevate Your Sales Game: The Importance of Pre and Post-Meeting Questions for Success
asking the right questions before and after a client meeting is essential for sales teams to achieve their objectives

AJ Cheponis
Mar 2, 20235 min read
Unlocking Investment Potential: Why Leadership Fit Matters in Startup Success
One way to achieve this is by evaluating your executive team's leadership competencies to ensure that they match the company's needs.

AJ Cheponis
Feb 9, 20233 min read
The Surprising Link Between Talent Optimization and the 2023 Super Bowl
The Eagles and the Chiefs happen to be PI clients—and subscribers to the discipline of talent optimization.

AJ Cheponis
Oct 19, 20223 min read
Are You Self-Aware?
Finding ways to tap into the way you are truly perceived by others can be an invaluable growth opportunity.

AJ Cheponis
Sep 20, 20222 min read
Has The Great Resignation Ended? Here’s what executives think.
Don’t wait for Forbes or Fast Company to declare The Great Resignation “over.” Don’t assume your organization is immune to burnout or...

AJ Cheponis
Sep 13, 20224 min read
3 Reasons to Collect and Apply Behavioral Data
Often, a “low-performing” team has little to do with actual low performers, and everything to do with how your team members interact.

AJ Cheponis
May 31, 20224 min read
5 Tips to Change Corporate Culture
We’ve identified four main forces of employee disengagement. One alone can cripple your organization. Two or more can be fatal.

AJ Cheponis
May 10, 20222 min read
Yes, The Golden Rule is Dead.
The Golden Rule is passé today, especially in the workplace. Learn about the platinum rule.

AJ Cheponis
Apr 26, 20222 min read
Why Do We Behave As We Do?
Human behavior is no mystery, not even in our corporations and organizations. We know a great deal about why people behave as they do.

AJ Cheponis
Jun 11, 20202 min read
Five things that can make or break workplace teams
Five things that are all part of the equation and have the potential to either make or break workplace teams.

AJ Cheponis
Jun 2, 20202 min read
How to avoid disagreements on your executive team
Certainly, everyone would prefer a functional executive team where disagreements don’t dominate the proceedings.
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